Delving - All Paths Diverge European Tour
  • Konzerte

© Hafenklang

delving is a new project by Nick DiSalvo, best known as the frontman of the heavy rock band Elder. Hirschbrunnen, his debut album, draws from a wide swath of influences and sounds ranging from psychedelic and krautrock to early electronic and ambient music, all while showcasing the evocative melodies and songwriting he's become known for.

"I'm an almost obsessive songwriter, working on music every day and amassing a huge collection of song fragments and ideas that often don't get the attention I'd like because of the time I spend with my main band. "Thanks" to this pandemic, I've had plenty of time to pick up some of the songs I've written over the past years and finally make an album that I've been telling myself forever I'd do.

From my earliest moments as a musician, I have been obsessed with home recordings, begging my parents for a Tascam 4-track cassette recorder for Christmas when I was 12 and making my own albums. delving is a continuation of this creative spirit: experimenting all on my own, forgetting bands, fans and expectations and making whatever music I want to.

Hirschbrunnen - "stag fountain" - is the colloquial name of a large fountain that presides over a large green area near where I live. For me, it's been strange to see my world, which normally consists of a fair amount of travel and external stimuli, reduced to one city, one district, one block for so long. Frustrating as that is, you might start to find inspiration and surprising beauty in your everyday surroundings that you otherwise would have ignored. Just as all the music I make is influenced by my experiences, Hirschbrunnen is a product of this unique and strange time in which we all have been forced to delve more deeply into our own thoughts."

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Einlass: 19:00 Uhr

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© ThisIsJulia Photography


In direkter Nähe zur Elbe – wie könnte es auch anders sein - ist der geschichtsträchtige Hafenklang zu Hause.


© Quelle: Reservix

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© GMV-eigene Fotos

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© Stadt Bad Bramstedt

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© Sybille Groß

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© Roland Breitschuh

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© Each Vagabond


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  • 18:00
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© Tine Acke

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  • 20:00
  • Laeiszhalle (Kleiner Saal)
© Quelle: Reservix

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  • Jazz, Blues, Swing & Chanson

  • 22.09.2024
  • 16:00
  • Alsterschlösschen Burg Henneberg


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