Discover One-to-One MBA Opportunities in Hamburg on October 10
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© Advent Group

Discover top MBA programmes and save countless hours of research by meeting directly with admission directors of some of the best schools in the world. In just a few hours you can gather all the information you need in one place in just a few hours. Skip the initial steps of the admissions process and significantly boost your chances of getting into a top programme.

In order to receive your personalized invitation and customized schedule for the event, please submit your information in the registration form on our website:

Event Details:

• Date: October 10

• Location: Hamburg Marriott Hotel

• Participating Schools: Hochschule Darmstadt University Of Applied Sciences, KLU Business School, IESE Executive MBA Munich, WHU - Otto Beisheim School Of Management, ESMT Berlin, HULT International Business School, WU Executive Academy, Duke University, and many others

Why Attend Access MBA in Hamburg?

Unique One-to-One Experience

Move beyond traditional fairs with Access MBA’s exclusive one-to-one format. This personalized experience ensures you connect directly with admissions directors, offering tailored insights to align with your career goals.

Tailored Networking and Insights

Connect with like-minded professionals and admissions directors, and expand your network to another level. This is your chance to build relationships that can lead to future collaborations and career advancements.

MBA: A Launchpad for Leadership

Did you know that within five years, MBA alumni often experience a salary increase of up to 90% compared to their pre-MBA earnings? This degree is your gateway to leadership roles and global career opportunities, equipping you with the skills to lead in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Free Registration

This exclusive event is by invitation only, but participation is free. Don't miss your chance to connect with top business schools and advance your career. Register here to secure your spot!

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© Hamburg Marriott Hotel & Renaissance Hamburg Hotel

Hamburg Marriott Hotel

Mitten in der Hamburger City liegt das Hamburg Marriott Hotel, von hier aus sind der Gänsemarkt, die Binnenalster und die charmanten Geschäftsstraßen und…


© Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V.

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